Collecting native caterpillars from rabbitbrush (Ericameria spp.) and other native shrubs in the Northern Rockies
The research in our lab is diverse, and will change as folks bring their unique perspectives and interests to the our group. Check back frequently for updates, and learn more about independent graduate student projects on the “Team” page.
Understanding trait-based drivers of food web structure
Map of rubber rabbitbrush source populations and common garden locations. Colors represent summer precipitation (upper) and temperature (lower). M. Robinson et al. (unpublished data)
Northernmost common garden (Central Ferry, WA). Image credit: Liz Milano (USFS; RMRS).
Over the past decade, ecologists have made great progress inferring function from the structure of interaction networks between species; for example, more compartmentalized (‘modular’) food webs are considered more stable than highly-connected ones. Thus, understanding the factors that shape network structure is an important tool to predict ecosystem-level consequences of global change. For plants at the base of terrestrial food webs, traits mediating resistance (or attraction) to herbivores are particularly critical. For example, nitrogen, water content of leaves, leaf toughness, leaf hairiness, and leaf chemistry are all traits which vary extensively within and among plant species, and are key drivers of herbivore interactions with host plants. Interestingly, these traits often vary in predictable fashion with the abiotic environment: plants in resource-poor environments – such as harsh soils, or arid climates – tend to be poorer in leaf nutrients and higher in leaf defenses, shaping smaller, less diverse, and distinctly-structured herbivore communities (Robinson and Strauss 2018, 2020). This linkage has far-reaching implications for restoration efforts, which often select plant species or populations tolerant of stressful conditions, and therefore more resilient to global change.
We seek to understand how these choices affect build-up of food web interactions, and to identify plant populations that maximize multiple ecosystem functions - from drought tolerance to propagation of stable food webs. We are focusing on a widespread and ecologically foundational Western shrub for this work - rubber rabbitbrush (Ericameria nauseosa). In 2024, we joined with collaborators to plant five common gardens of rabbitbrush from WA to AZ. These gardens will be used to understand genetic and environmental determinants of plant phenotypes and their food webs.
Planting native: a caterpillar’s perspective
Desiree Narango and colleagues showed the outsized importance of certain plant species to insect diversity (Narango et al. 2020). We plan to collect similar data from Western shrubland ecosystems, for which basic host associations are still poorly known.
While plants and their insect consumers can be found in ecosystems across the planet, not all plant food is equal. For example, an average oak tree contains thousands of herbivore individuals, and hundreds of species; in contrast, a neighboring maple might yield a dozen consumers from an even smaller handful of taxa. Simultaneously, not all insects are equally reliant on their host plants: while some species consume many different kinds of plants (generalists), the majority are restricted to a small number of hosts (specialist species). Together, this means that certain plants are disproportionately important to supporting not only high numbers of herbivores, but also particularly unique and irreplaceable insect faunas. Understanding the identity of such ‘keystone’ plant species in a given region or ecosystem can have major implications for conservation and management. In the arid West, where diverse shrubland ecosystems are a dominant vegetation type, such knowledge is lacking -- hampering our ability to understand and predict diversity outcomes in changing Western ecosystems, or make ecologically-informed decisions for restoration and management. Our lab will contribute to this gap by collecting and identifying butterfly and moth larvae (caterpillars) from several important vegetation types in Utah and the Intermountain West, with a particular focus on shrub species. We will use our database to identify ‘keystone’ native plants that support diverse and abundant insect communities.
Avoiding attack: evolution of caterpillar protective strategy
Caterpillars have evolved a grand array of color and pattern to either blend in or stand out. What factors underly this incredible diversity? Robinson et al. (2023).
Caterpillars, like many herbivorous insects, are ‘in the middle’*: to survive, they must navigate an arsenal of defenses from plants — while also avoiding predation or parasitism from other organisms. This long evolutionary interplay has led to remarkable strategies to not only cope with, but often co-opt traits of plants for their own benefit. The most well-known examples are monarch butterflies, which store toxins from their milkweed hostplants in their own bodies, advertising their noxiousness with bright, conspicuous coloration. On the other end of the spectrum are caterpillars that capitalize on the textures and colors of the twigs and leaves they rest upon, evolving remarkably precise background-matching and mimicry. Still others add spines, hairs, or wiggly fleshy appendages. This morphological evolution is often accompanied by unique defensive behaviors, such as gregarious feeding; vomiting repellant regurgitant; or dropping quickly on a piece of silk. Our lab explores the factors that have favored evolution of this grand diversity of caterpillar protective strategy, and how the characteristics of host plants have played a key role (Robinson et al. 2023).
* Check out Bob Marquis and Suzanne Koptur’s new (2022) book by the same name.